In most western cultures poverty was generally associated with unattractiveness— drug abuse drunkenness, rogues and uneducated ‘losers’. In recent years the rich were the cultured, educated idea makers of an emerging society with more access to better education, good nutrition and culture. This was made even more adulatory set in a background of ample opportunity. Times have changed.
In a post Wall Street era where inevitably excess produces more waste and greed is overtly associated with selfishness, disregard for environment and others and in essence unappealing, wealth has yet again emerged without its expected respect or admiration. This further bolstered by the growing appearance of lack of culture and education associated with extreme wealth. Little imagination is needed to conjure up an image of such greedy all consuming characters in current day media or in daily encounters with these so called ‘high flyers’. Such profit driven characters and their conglomerates, besides complete disregard for the environmental impact of their actions, also succeeded simply because of their severe lack of empathy for others, our planet or future generations.
Why the intelligent and educated young are turning their backs on wealth in pursuit of a more meaningful existence maybe more than an instinctive response to a pending crisis situation if we consider the following:
An innate global need for peaceful coexistence and sharing of resources, this emerging more so with our new understanding of our isolated place on a small planet in a very large universe. The only tug against this are greedy politicians and a outdated fiscal system kept in place by its principle benefactors in fear of losing their wealth and the security this offers with their blinkered belief in a precarious future.
Our generally recognised vulnerability facing the impact of climate change and associated global food and water shortages— an issue still only ignored by the complete ignorant or those festering in severe bias driven by greedy enterprises. Money won't by your way out of this with anarchy ruling and the poor busy robbing the rich in cities turning into mega-slums.
Growing awareness of the impact of investment property on others, the environment and their ability to get affordable housing. This is also where most of the middle classes secure their comfort zone in artificial wealth creation (other than so called shares).
In many larger developed cities today salaries hardly match the cost of living and finding affordable housing has become near impossible. A ticking time bomb from all perspectives.
A growing highly educated workforce seeking employment. This to some extent further fuelling unrealistic enterprises and profiteering as a desperate pursuit with an escalating disregard for ethical behaviour— adding fuel to the fire.
Increasing distrust of the major banks based on evidence of mergers and recent fraudulent activity and exploitation of the masses.
Increasing number of inept and corrupt governments and their officials lacking foresight or morality and merely driven by personal gain.
Control of the media by a few wealthy individuals and their sways instead of mass opinion and authentic concerns. Such misinformation escalating the already existing suspicion and distrust amongst the masses.
Marketing enterprises targeting the sales of superfluous goods (medicines and services included here) creating environmental waste. Scepticism is on the increase with a growing number of more pragmatic post-baby boomer consumers entering the workforce.
Commercialisation of universities and research now controlled by financial donors and their benefactors grossly misdirecting a more realistic direction of our evolutionary epistemology. A knowledge and healthcare driven by profit rather than its ontic value.
An unrealistic healthcare system using superfluous ‘cover up’ medicines bolstered by an out of control profit driven pharmaceutical industry. All this with an overlooked and significant environmental impact.
The growing need to live simply with still an innate demand to remain interconnected made easier by computers and the Internet
Merges and monopolisations with its negative effect on competition, free enterprise, the environment, job-creation and wealth distribution— resulting in elevated price fixing.
Only the extremely ignorant are not at least subconsciously aware of these issues, therefor the growing apathy towards monetary wealth.
Now for the why simple living is HEALTHY for us and our habitat:
Consuming and eating less is associated with longevity.
General recognition of how stress and an unhappy work environments are linked to a negative health impact on both the individual, family and community at large.
The growing toxicity of mega cities— safety, crime, dirty air, overcrowding etc.
A simple diet more selectively chosen cutting out processed foods, meats and dressed up convenience foods (the expensive stuff) is healthier.
Simple living – one clean well-designed home catering for the needs of the family or person close to their workplace without extravagant and superfluous unused space is easier to warm or cool down and maintain. No investment property —consider this as theft in a world where we have poverty, environmental concerns and homeless people.
Home grown vegetables and community farming are becoming very attractive sensible more economical and pesticide free options.
The feasibility of cutting back on petrochemical means of transport by working from home or living close to work due to Internet.
Decentralisation of ‘busting’ cities leading to more self employment opportunities and economical growth of rural regions and in the self-sufficiency.
Less dependence on social meeting places like clubs and bars in an era of Internet dating and chatting.
Growing appeal of open spaces and visit is to remote regions instead of cities for holiday or relaxation purposes.
The peace of mind that your simple lifestyle and lack of greed is helping others and the environment.
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