Friday, May 22, 2015

Done with greed and violence..

'If the method of rational critical discussion should establish itself, then this should make the use of violence obsolete. For critical reason is the only alternative to violence so far discovered. It is the obvious duty of all intellectuals to work for this revolution....'

  Karl Popper.  The myth of the framework


What is beauty?


Never before has the need to keep sense alert alive and truthful been more urgent.
We are on the edge of a new understanding of the universe and life...

....we are judged by our doings here

....we are judged by our doings here
© National Gallery London

keeping sense alive

keeping sense alive
Give sense a chance

sense is all around

sense is all around
we move in sense through objects

‘Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart’. Confucius

‘Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart’. Confucius
© author

We exist to coexist

We exist to coexist
The author ' A LIFE in SENSE'

Tread carefully - Banach-Tarski theorem- one same size circle can be duplicated if split i....

Tread carefully - Banach-Tarski theorem-  one same size circle can be duplicated if split i....